In a living will, you can outline your wishes regarding life-sustaining treatments, such as resuscitation (CPR), mechanical ventilation, artificial nutrition and hydration, and other medical interventions. You may specify under what circumstances you would like these treatments to be administered or withheld. 

1. Resuscitation (CPR): You can indicate whether you would like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to be performed if your heart stops or if you stop breathing.

2. Mechanical ventilation: You can state your preferences regarding the use of a ventilator or other breathing support if you are unable to breathe on your own.

3. Artificial nutrition and hydration: You can specify whether you would like to receive artificial nutrition (tube feeding) and hydration (IV fluids) if you are unable to eat or drink independently.

4. Pain management: You can express your desires regarding pain relief and comfort measures during medical treatment and end-of-life care.

5. Antibiotics and other medications: You can indicate your preferences for the use of antibiotics or other medications in certain circumstances, such as infections or pain management.

6. Palliative care and hospice: You can outline your wishes to receive palliative care or hospice services, which focus on providing comfort and support rather than curative treatments.

7. Organ and tissue donation: You can express your willingness to donate organs or tissues after your death, if applicable.

8. Specific medical conditions or situations: You may include instructions for specific medical conditions or situations, such as advanced dementia, persistent vegetative state, or terminal illness.

9. Personal values and beliefs: You can incorporate your personal values, cultural or religious beliefs, and ethical considerations that may influence your medical treatment decisions.

It's important to be as specific and clear as possible when drafting your living will to ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected. Consider discussing your choices with your healthcare provider or a legal professional to make sure you cover all relevant aspects and understand the potential implications of your decisions.

Remember, a living will is a personal document, and your choices should align with your own beliefs and values.